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CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT
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Characteristics CareOne Gentle Strips Bandages - 30 CT.

ItemMaster Dimensions
Length, IN 1.231
Height, IN 4.293
Width, IN 2.797
Weight, LB 0.06
special attributes
Units In Package 30
Package Type BOX
Package Size, CT 30.0
Country Of Origin USA
Temperature Indicator Shelf Stable
Directions Apply bandage to clean, dry skin. Change the dressing daily, when wet or more often if needed. Single use.
Marketing Description CareOne® Gentle Strips Bandages. Ideal for sensitive skin. Ultra soft fabric. Highly absorbent. Non-stick pad. Long lasting. All one size. 30 sterile bandages.
Other Description Highly absorbent, non-stick pad. Cushions and protects cuts and scrapes without sticking to them. Long-lasting, sure-stick adhesive stays secure. Flexible, ultra soft fabric for breathable protection. Easy open wrapper. For use on minor cuts, scrapes, & burns. Not made with natural rubber latex. Made in USA with globally sourced materials. Quality guaranteed or your money back. 1-877-846-9949. ©2016 S&S Brands, LLC.
Ecommerce Description CareOne® Gentle Strips Bandages. Ideal for sensitive skin. Cushions and protects cuts and scrapes without sticking to them. Long-lasting, sure-stick adhesive stays secure. Flexible, ultra soft fabric for breathable protection.
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