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CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag
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Characteristics CareOne 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag.

ItemMaster Dimensions
Length, IN 2.85
Height, IN 6.33
Width, IN 3.17
Weight, LB 0.25
special attributes
Units In Package 1
Package Type BOX
Package Size, CT 1.0
Country Of Origin USA
Seasonal N
Temperature Indicator Shelf Stable
Directions General instructions: Ice bag. Instructions for use: 1. Fill bag two-thirds full with either cold tap water, crushed ice or ice cubes. 2. Thread cap onto bag. 3. Test for leakage by turning bag upside down and pressing firmly. 4. Apply to desired area. Note: This product transfers cold so effectively that condensation may occur in a humid climate. Bag can be wrapped in a soft towel if condensation is not desired or to protect sensitive skin areas. Cleaning and storage: 1. After using, drain and air-dry bag before replacing cap. 2. Store product in a dark, cool, dry place.
Marketing Description CareOne™ 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag. Pleated folding ice bag. Velour rubber construction. Designed for comfort.
Other Description Medically recommended cold therapy for pain and swelling to help speed healing, reduce pain and swelling associated with sprains, muscle strains, bumps, bruises, headaches, toothaches and more. This ice bag is proven superior over other ice bags. In addition to being leak-resistant, it easily conforms to body contours and efficiently transfers cold to the intended area. Quality guaranteed or your money back. ©2008 S&S Brands, Inc.
Ecommerce Description CareOne™ 9 Inch Diameter Ice Bag. Medically recommended cold therapy for pain and swelling to help speed healing, reduce pain and swelling associated with sprains, muscle strains, bumps, bruises, headaches, toothaches and more. This ice bag is proven superior over other ice bags. In addition to being leak-resistant, it easily conforms to body contours and efficiently transfers cold to the intended area.
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