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Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
Egypt's Best Rice White Rice
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Characteristics Egypt's Best Rice White Rice.

Additional Category Attributes
Food Allergen Statements Packaged on shared equipment that also packages wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, and sesame seeds.
Container Type Bag
Ingredients Milled rice.
Serving Size 1/4 cup (45g)
Calories, Calories 155
Calories From Fat, Calories 0
Total Fat, g 0
Total Fat Percentage Daily Value, % 0
Total Carbohydrate, g 35
Total Carbohydrate Percentage Daily Value, % 12
Total Protein, g 3
Nice to have
Food Preparation Tips Sort and rinse rice before cooking.
Is Intended For Human Consumption Yes
Is Ready To Eat No
ItemMaster Dimensions
Length, IN 2.224
Height, IN 5.322
Width, IN 9.626
Weight, LB 2.88
special attributes
Units In Package 1
Package Type BAG
Package Size, LB 3.0
Net Weight, LB 3.0
Country Of Origin USA
Seasonal N
Ingredients Milled Rice.
Temperature Indicator Shelf Stable
Directions Cooking steps: Yeilds: 2 cups of rice. Serving size: 1/2 cup. Total cook time: 30 minutes. 1 c. Egypts best rice. 2 c. hot water. 1 tbls. oil (substitute butter instead of oil). Salt to taste. Rinse and soak rice in fresh water. Strain. Combine oil and rice and toast over medium high heat until coated, stirring frequently. Add water and bring to a boil. Let rice rapid boil for 3 minutes then reduce heat to low and cover. Allow rice to absorb all excess water, then turn off heat and let rest for 5 minutes. Rice is a natural agricultural product. Despite the use of modern cleaning equipment, it is not always possible to remove all foreign material. Please sort and rinse rice before cooking.
Marketing Description Egypt's Best Rice White Rice. Net wt 3 lb (1.36 kg).
Other Description Packed in the USA.
Number Of Servings 28
Energy 155
Total Fat, g 0
Saturated Fat, g 0
Trans Fat, g 0
Cholesterol, mg 0
Sodium, mg 0
Carbohydrates, g 35
Dietary Fiber, g 0
Sugars, g 0
Protein, g 3
Daily Percent Of Vitamin A 0
Daily Percent Of Vitamin C 0
Daily Percent Of Calcium 0
Daily Percent Of Iron 2
Key Features 1.36 kg (3 LB)
0 fat calories
155 calories
High-quality grains
Short Description Egypt's Best Rice White Rice is a common cereal that features high quality. If you have no idea what to cook for the dinner, you can always prepare some rice. It is a perfect garnish and can serve any meat, fish or cooked vegetables. Our rice is the best because its smooth texture and delicious taste can please the pickiest gourmand. Easy and tasty as you have always wanted.
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