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Characteristics Ortho Weed B Gon Weed Killer.
Length, IN | 2.52 |
Height, IN | 11.631 |
Width, IN | 4.708 |
Weight, LB | 2.34 |
Units In Package | 1 |
Package Type | BOTTLE |
Package Size, FL OZ | 32.0 |
Net Weight, FL OZ | 32.0 |
Seasonal | N |
Ingredients | Active Ingredients: Dimethylamine Salt Of 2,4-D Acid* 8.658%. Dimethylamine Salt Of Mecoprop-p Acid**‡ 2.127%. Dicamba Acid *** 0.371%. Other Ingredients 88.844%. Total 100.000%. Isomer Specific Method, Equivalent To: *2,4-D Acid 7.191%, 0.620 lbs./gal. **Mecoprop-p Acid 1.758%, 0.152 lbs./gal. ***Dicamba Acid 0.371%, 0.032 lbs./gal. ‡Contains The Single Isomer Form Of Mecoprop-p. |
Recycle Codes | 1 |
Temperature Indicator | Shelf Stable |
Directions | Directions for use: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Shake well before using. How it works: Ortho® Weed B Gon® Weed Killer for Lawns Concentrate 2 contains three proven weed killers that target lawn weeds. This herbicide enters the lawn weeds through their leaves and moves throughout the plant to provide control. Laws listed on this label will not be harmed when used as directed. Where to use: This product can be applied to residential lawns with the following turfgrass types: Lawns to be treated: Cool season turfgrass (Northern Lawns) Kentucky bluegrass, Ryegrass, Tall fescue and Fine fescues - 32 fl oz treats 8,000 sq.ft. Warm season turfgrass (Southern Lawns) Bermudagrass 1 (common and hybrid); St. Augustinegrass (excluding Floratam); Centipedegrass; Zoysiagrass; Buffalograss and Bahiagrass - 32 fl oz treats 16,000 sq.ft. 1Application to hybrid Bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected. Do not apply to hybrid Bermudagrass when daytime temperatures exceeds 85°F. Over-application or rates above those specified on this label can cause turf injury. Do not apply Ortho® Weed B Gon® Weed killer for lawns concentrate 2 to the following: Bentgrass (Colonial and creeping); Carpetgrass; Dichondra; Lippia; Gardens including vegetables, fruit trees, vines and berries; Ornamental plants (flowers, trees, groundcovers, landscape beds and shrubs); Seashore paspalum; Floratam variety of St. Augustinegrass; Turfgrass species that are not listed on this label. How much to use: Northern Lawns: Add 2 fl oz per gallon of water for every 500 sq. ft. Southern Lawns: Add 1 fl oz per gallon of water for every 500 sq. ft. The maximum application rate is 4 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft per application (0.84 lb 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre per application). The maximum number of broadcast applications is limited to 2 per year. Allow at least 30 days between applications. The maximum seasonal rate is 8 fl oz of product per 1,000 sq ft (1.68 lb 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre). When to use: Apply this product when weeds are small and actively growing in the spring or fall. How to use: Ortho® Dial N Spray® with Direct Connect Directions: Set: Ortho® Dial N Spray®: Turn dial to 1 oz for Southern lawns. Turn dial to 2 oz for Northern lawns. Connect: Remove jar from Ortho® Dial N Spray® sprayer. Remove cap from the concentrate bottle. Keep cap for storage. Screw the Ortho® Dial N Spray® sprayer onto concentrate bottle to attach. Connect garden hose to the sprayer and turn on water. Spray: Press and hold trigger for continuous spray. Apply evenly. Spray only until the surface of the lawn is wet. Finish: Unscrew the concentrate bottle from the Ortho® Dial N Spray® sprayer. Replace cap on the concentrate bottle. To clean: Refer to the Ortho® Dial N Spray® cleaning instruction. Refer to the Ortho® Dial N Spray® label and booklet for additional information. Important: To prevent sprayer from clogging, always clean after use, as directed. The application rate for this product is 2 fl oz of product per 500 sq ft of lawn for Northern lawns or 1 fl oz of product per 500 sq ft of lawn for Southern Lawns. Tank Sprayer Directions: Add 2 fl oz per gallon of water for every 500 sq ft for Northern Lawns. Add 1 fl oz per gallon of water for every 500 sq ft for Southern Lawns. Important: Over-application or rates above those recommended on this label can cause turf injury. Storage and disposal: Pesticide Storage: Keep from freezing. To be stored in original container and placed in areas inaccessible to children. Pesticide Disposal & Container handling: Nonrefillable container. If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor (including toilet) or outdoor (including sewer) drain. |
Marketing Description | Ortho® Weed B Gon® Weed Killer. Easy-Measure Cap. For Lawns Concentrate 2. For Use On Many Northern & Southern Lawns. For Home Lawn Use Only. Kills 250+ Weeds +. Net Contents 32 fl oz (1 quart) / 946 ml. |
Other Description | Lawn friendly weed control +. Directly connects to Ortho® Dial N Spray®. Treats up to 16,000 sq ft. Kills weeds to the roots. Rainproof in 1 hour. Results in hours. What it does: Kills major broadleaf weeds including dandelion, chickweed, dollarweed and clover. +When used as directed. Broadleaf weeds controlled - Alder, annual yellow sweet clover, Artichoke, Aster, Austrian Fieldcress, Bedstraw, Beggartick, Biden, Bindweed, Bird vetch, Bitterweed, Bitter wintercress, Black-eyed Susan, Black medic, Black mustard, Blackseed plantain, Blessed thistle, Bloodflower, Blue lettuce, Blue vervain, Box elder, Bracted plantain, Brassbuttons, Bristly oxtongue, Broadleaf dock, Broadleaf plantain, Broomweed, Buckhorn, Buckhorn plantain, Bulbous buttercup, Bull nettle, Bull thistle, Burdock,Burning nettle, Bur ragweed, Burweed, Buttercup, Canada thistle, Carolina geranium, Carpetweed, Catchweed bedstraw, Catsear, Catnip, Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cockle, Cocklebur, Coffeebean, coffeeweed, Common chickweed, Common mullein, common sowthistle, Corn chamomile, Creeping Jenny, Creeping Woodsorrel, Crimson clover, Croton, Cudweed, Curly dock, Curly indigo, Dandelion, Dead Nettle, Dock, Dogbane, Dogfennel, Dollarweed, Elderberry, English daisy, Fall dandelion, False dandelion, False flax, False sunflower, Fiddleneck, Field bindweed, Field pansy, Flea bane (Daisy), Flixweed, Florida betony, Florida pusley, Frenchweed, Galinsoga, Garlic mustard, Goathead, Goatsbeard, Goldenrod, Ground ivy, Gumweed, Hairy bittercress, Hairy fleabane, Hawkweed, Healall, Heartleaf drymary, Hedge bindweed, Heed mustard, Hemp, Henbit, Hoary cress, Hoary plantain, Hoary vervain, Honeysuckle, Hop clover, Horsenettle, Horsetail, Indiana Mallow, Ironweed, Jewelweed, Jimsonweed, Kochia, Knawel, Knotweed, Lambsquarter, Lespedeza, Locoweed, Lupine, Mallow, Marshelder, Matchweed, Mexicanweed, Milk vetch, Milkweed, Mugwort, Morningglory, Mouseear chickweed, Musk thistle, Mustard, Narrowleaf plantain, Narrowleaf vetch, Nettle, Orange hawkweed, Oxalis, Oxeye daisy, Parsley-piert, Parsnip, Pearlwort, Pennycress, Pennywort, Peppergrass, Pepperweed, Pigweed, Pineywoods bedstraw, Plains coreopsis, Plantain, Poison hemlock, Poison ivy, Poison oak, Pokeweed, Poorjoe, Povertyweed, Prickly lettuce, Prickly sida, Primrose, Prostrate knotweed, Prostrate pigweed, Prostrate spurge, Prostrate vervain, Puncture vine, Purslane, Ragweed, Red Clover, Redroot pigweed, Red sorrel, Redstem Filaree, Rough cinquefoil, Rough fleabane, Roundleafed marigold, Rush, Russian pigweed, Russian thistle, St. Johnswort, Scarlet pimpernel, Scotch thistle, Sheep sorrel, Shepherdspurse, slender plantain, smallflower galinsoga, Smartweed, Smooth dock, Smooth pigweed, Sneezeweed, Southern Wild Rose, Sowthistle, Spanishneedle, Spatterdock, Speedwell, Spiny amaranth, Spiny cocklebur, spotted catsear, spotted knapweed, spotted spurge, spurge, spurweed, stinging nettle, stinkweed, stickwort, strawberry clover, Sumac, sunflower, sweet clover, Taill nettle, tall vervain, tansy mustard, tansy ragwort, tanweed, tarweed, thistle, tick trefoil, toadflax, trailing, crown vetch, tumble mustard, tumble pigweed, tumbleweed, velvetleaf, venice mallow, veronica, vervain, vetch virginia buttonweed, virginia creeper, virginia pepperweed, wavyleaf bullthistle, western clematis, western salsify, white clover, white mustard, wild mustard,wild aster, wild buckwheat, wild carrot, wild four-o clock, wild geranium,wild lettuce, wild marigold, wild parsnip, wild radish, wild rape, wild strawberry, wild sweet potato, wild vetch, willow, witchweed, woolly morningglory, woodsorrel, woolly croton, woolly plantain, wormseed, yarrow, yellow rocket, yellow flower pepperweed, yellow woodsorrel and other broadleaf weeds. The Ortho® guarantee: If for any reason you, the consumer, are not satisfied with this product, mail us your original proof of purchase to obtain a full refund of your purchase price. EPA Reg. No. 228-553-239. EPA Est. 239-IA-3 I, 239-MS-1 M, 85652-OH-1 W. World rights reserved. Questions & Comments Call 1-800-225-28 |
Ecommerce Description | Ortho® Weed B Gon® Weed Killer. Lawn friendly weed control. Kills 250+ weeds and major broadleaf weeds including dandelion, chickweed, dollarweed and clover. Treats up to 16,000 sq ft. Kills weeds to the roots. Rainproof in 1 hour. |